Adding a Calendar Category

jevents cpanel

To add categories to the calendar – choose ‘Components’ and select ‘JEvents’ from the drop down menu.

You will be at the JEvents Control Panel.

jevents cpanel

Click ‘Manage Categories.’ To create a new category, click ‘New’ on the upper right hand corner.


Each category must have a title. Each category should have its own distinctive color, which you can choose on the right hand side under ‘Basic Options.’ You have the option of entering a description of the category, but it is not required. Click ‘Save’ when you are done. You will now see a list of your current categories.

IMPORTANT:You must click on the icon in the ‘published’ column if it is red. The published icon should  be a green check mark, for the category to be active. If the icon is red, clicking on it will change it to green, and the page will reload.

You can click on the name of any existing JEvents category, to edit the name, change the category color, etc.

We recommend not creating more than 6-10 categories.