Adding a Calendar Event

jevents cpanel

If you do not have any categories, please add at least one category before adding events. 

To add an event to the calendar:

 Events can be added from the front end of the website (with the appropriate permissions) or from the back end of the website (for administrators and super administrators).

From the back end of the site – choose ‘Components’ and select ‘JEvents’ from the drop down menu.

You will be at the JEvents Control Panel.

jevents cpanel

Click ‘Manage Events.’ To create a new event, click ‘New’ on the upper right hand corner.

create event

For ‘Subject’ enter the title of the event. ‘Potluck Shabbat,’ for example. Choose a category from the drop down menu.

All fields are optional, except the subject and the category selection. A text editing box will allow you to add details about the event and images, and fields below provide a place to enter location of event, contact information, and any ‘extra info.’ You can also use  insert a link to a pdf or doc brochure or handout about the event. 

The date and time will default to today, until you change them.

When you are done entering information, click ‘Save’ on the right hand side menu. The event will now appear in the events listing. To verify how it appears to your visitors, go to the front end of the site, select the event on the calendar, and check the details.

For recurring events: In the calendar tab, when you are editing the event, choose the SAME date as the start time and the end time. You might choose 2011-02-10 4:30 pm as the start time and 2011-02-10, 6:30 pm as the end time. Where it says ‘repeat type’ choose ‘weekly.’ Select ‘repeat until’ and use the pop up calendar to get to the last date the event should occur. See also – instructions for creating an exception to a repeating event.

To delete an event from the back end, select the event and choose ‘Delete’ from the top right hand side menu. To edit an existing event, click on the name of the event in the back end.

You can also edit the calendar from the front end of your website. You must be logged in and have the appropriate level of permissions. If your site does not have a login box, you can use the following URL to get to the front end login screen http://www.yoururl.comcomponent/users/?view=login (replace the first part with your url, of course).

From the front end of the site – make sure you are logged in and have permissions to change the calendar. Click on any site link that leads you to the JEvents calendar, and scroll to the bottom of the calendar page. You will the option to ‘Add an event.’ Click ‘Add an event’ and you will see the same options available on the back end for entering event information. 

When you are done, click on the Save icon at the top to save your event. To edit an event or to delete an event from the front end, click on the event and then click on the edit button on the right hand side.


  You will now see a menu that lets you delete or edit the event.


IF the event is set up as a repeating event, you will see a slightly different menu, with additional options.



If, for example, you have Hebrew School every Tuesday and Thursday until May, but there are four days when there is no Hebrew School, you can delete or edit these specific instances of the event. Find the event for the first exception date on the front end of the calendar. Click on the edit icon and then choose ‘Edit Repeat’ from the menu. (It is important that you choose ‘Edit Repeat’ and NOT ‘Edit Event.’)

You can now edit the subject of that event. In this case, you might change it to ‘NO Hebrew School – Vacation’ and click save. You have now edited only that instance of the repeating event. You can also choose ‘Delete this repeat’ instead of ‘Edit Repeat’ if you don’t want it to appear at all on that date.

Do the same thing for the other instances. Note – creating exceptions to repeating events must be done on the front end of the website.